As you may have heard the petition to recall Democratic California governor Gavin Newsom and replace him with noted nutjob Republican Larry Elder failed spectacularly.
About 64% of the electorate voted “no” on the recall. 36% voted “yes”.
As California is a heavily Democratic state while Elder is an odious person, even for a Black Republican, the results aren’t that surprising.
What is also unsurprising is that the New York Times found a way to take shots at Black men voters. You see, per CNN exit polls, 89% of Black women voters voted “no” on the recall.
This was the group with the highest “no” voting proportion. But according to NYT columnist Charles Blow, there is something wrong with Black men because:
But there is a worrisome detail in the data, one that keeps showing up, one that Democrats would do well to deal with: Black and Latino men are not hewing as close to the party line as Black and Latina women.
In CNN’s exit poll, nearly half of the Hispanic men surveyed and nearly a quarter of the Black men voted to support the recall. The largest difference between men and women of any racial group was between Black men and Black women.
For one thing, never underestimate the communion among men, regardless of race. Men have privileges in society, and some are drawn to policies that elevate their privileges.
The question for Democrats is how do they lure some of these men back without catering to the patriarchy. From a position of principle, the party can’t really appeal to them; it must seek to change them.
My my! There’s a lot to unpack there. Well whenever someone rings the alarm bell, I want to find out if there really is a fire. Because my experience has been that some people just like using certain groups as scapegoats.
It is true, as I stated, that Black women voters in California had the highest rate of support for the Democratic position, “no” on recall. What’s also true, and yet goes completely unmentioned in the Blow column, is that Black men voters had the second highest rate of support for the Democratic position!!!
Every other group detailed was less likely than Black men to support the Democratic position. See the data for yourself below:
So just in terms of the data, Blow and the editors at the NYT are being stunningly dishonest. Black men voted to oppose the recall at 77%.
White and Latino women, a whopping 44% of the electorate, were less likely to oppose the recall than Black men. Almost 4 in 10 White or Latino women supported the recall.